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Write a comprehensive note on the role of teacher in a Montessori classroom?
A Montessori teacher is considered to be a guide, facilitator or a directress. Her role in teaching Montessori students is very distinct and significant. In order to have a better understanding of a role of teacher we have two types of art of teaching.

1.     Productive Art
2.     Cooperative Art
It refers to an “art in which the activity of an artist is the principle and the only cause of production” i e. shoemaker or tailor. They both have end product as shoemaker have shoes and tailor stitches the clothes.
In this type of art, the end product is not predefined. There are three cooperative arts which are: farming, healing, and teaching. Montessori teacher’s main concern is with teaching under this art.
There are numerous roles of a teacher in the Montessori classroom. She has to be a role model for children as they imitate her actions. The important Roles of the teacher in a classroom are given below.

A Montessori directress should provide appropriate material which meets the needs of the Montessori students to develop their interest in different fields of education and practical life.
A Montessori mentor should prepare the best learning environment where a child could easily select his own work which is according to his interest. It should be put in low shelves where the child could easily explore and place it in order.
A directress should observe all children individually. She should deal with them according to their interest and provide materials or activities but there must be a dynamic link between children and the prepared environment. She should observe her student very keenly in order to interpret his need.
Montessori teacher’s lesson should be brief and interesting therefore their attention should not be diverting elsewhere. She should provide simple and necessary information to the child to do the work on their own pace.
 A directress should evaluate her student in such a way; she should able to know about the needs and effectiveness of her student. She should evaluate her children performance individually.
As we know that a teacher is a role model for a student; she should be a very good communicator and help the children to learn how to be a good communicator and communicate their thoughts to adults.
The role of Montessori guider is to develop moral sense in children. She should develop the sense of courtesy, calm, grace and respect.
Diagnostician’s mean concerns are with psycho-educational assessment. A Montessori teacher is a diagnostician as she can figure out the growth, development, and behavior of the children and guide their parents about their children habits.
A directress should give space to students and let them to work according to their own interest. She should respect and protect their freedom.  She may present interesting and relevant lesson and then free them to work according to their interest and generate new ideas and meet their needs.
The teacher should be supportive, offering warmth, security, stability, and non-     judgment acceptance to each child. She should support her student to learn or generate new ideas and work independently.

To sum up, Montessori directress is more than a teacher. Her ultimate goal is to facilitate Montessori children. She works as a guide, directress, and teacher or mentor in order to retain curiosity, creativity and intelligence in students. 


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