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Main requirements to be considered to start a House of Children

     Which are the main requirements to be considered to start a House of       Children? How to you implement them?
Montessori is the place where children can do whatever they want and meet their needs and interest. Therefore, one has to be very particular and consider numerous things when start the house of children. It is the most difficult task to start it. There are several requirements which one should be keeping in mind.
1)    Class room design is the most important place where children have to stay. Montessori educational apparatus, tables and shelving, and related activities equipment should be appropriate and several in number so that children could approach them.
2)    The number of students in the classroom should not be exceeding more than 30 students.
3)    The size of the classroom should allow minimum of 20 square feet per students at the early level, 30 squares for the elementary level and 40 squares would be for secondary level.
4)     Montessori house should be child-sized where he could enjoy his age. A child sized kitchen, science lab, an art studio, bath rooms, hobby workshop, everything should be according to the size of a child. They lead him to fulfill his desires and enjoy his own world.
5)    A house should be design in such a way that the child could face outdoor environment. There must be window through which the children could face sunlight at a daytime and become a natural source of ventilation.
6)    There must be the children garden where child can grow vegetables and fruits of their choice. It leads them to close to their natural environment.
7)    There should not be any prohibition of doing something which the student is not allowed at his home. “Prohibition is sweet or bitter, prohibition is prohibition.”
8)    Children are usually not allowed to do by themselves what they want at their home so Montessori room should provide them this opportunity.
These are some factors which should consider while starting any house of children.
Considering requirements are very important but implementation is more important than them because implementation is something which we have to implement and how it works is based on it. There must be a lot of things which should be implement those are:
Ø Respect for the children.
Ø Focus on individual child
Ø The prepared environment
Ø Polite behavior of the teacher
Ø Parent- teacher meeting.
Respect is the basic thing which everybody requires. Every child needs respect. Parents try to force them to follow the parents without regarding their needs and interest. Therefore, first we should take great care of the respect of the child.
Every child is different from one another. Teacher should focus on individual child as his learning progress, growth and understanding is different from other children.
Prepared environment is very important. When they have prepared environment, they are able to do what they want. The material is available for the child which they can easily access and do whatever their interest.
The teacher is the role model for the student. Her behavior should be polite towards students. As the teacher is the spiritual mother of the students, they learn a lot from them after their mother. So, her behavior and attitude should be very good.
There must be parent-teacher meeting as parents should know the progress and development of their student and the most important about the attitude and the nature of the student. Montessori teacher can guide them according to the nature of their children.
To sum up, the house of the children is the place where children can meet their needs and interests. So, these requirements should keep in mind when starting the school.


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