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Decimal System

 What do you know about decimal system? How would you enable children to count any quantity and identify numerals till 9999?

The decimal system is a numeral system which organizes and classifies numerical quantities into different hierarchies of units. In the Casa it is offered when the child can count to ten with complete understanding; with the knowledge of the symbols 1-9 and can recognize zero.  The child is given the total decimal system– clearly, simply, harmoniously and with its unlimited, universal applicability. (Rachel Herndon)

Golden bead material and large number cards can be used to teach decimal system to Montessori students. They enable children to count any quantity and identify numerals till 9999.


It is made up of golden beads with same size. This material contains units, tens, hundreds, and thousands.  

  • A unit is a single bead—a point.
  • Ten is ten beads strung together on the wire—a line.
  • A hundred is 10 ten bars fastened together side by side—a square.
  • A unit of thousands is 10 hundred fastened together to form a cube 10 10 10 – a point.




  • A single golden bead
  • A ten bar
  • A hundred square
  • A thousand cube.
  • Dark green mat


  1. Bring the material to the table.
  2. Place the tray on the table and start three period lessons.
  3. Bring the unit bead in front of the child and tell him “this is one unit.”
  4. Then show him next the ten bars and say” this is one ten.”
  5. Now, move the square of hundred in front of the child and say “this is one hundred.”
  6. Now in the last, show him the cube of one thousand and tell him “this is one thousand.”
  7. In second period, show you one unit, ten bars or hundred units.
  8. In third period, ask him to tell the quantity” what is this.”



They are the white wooden or plastic cards of varying in sizes with numeral written on them.

  • The units (1 to 9) are printed in green.
  • The tens (10 to 90) are printed in blue.
  • The hundreds (100 to 900) are printed in red.
  • The units of thousands (1000 to 9000) are printed in green.






The large number cards.


The child must be able to count any quantity up to nine.


Place the number cards i.e. 1, 10, 100, and 1000 on the table.
Arrange the number shown in the picture below. 

Now, point the unit card 1 and tell the child that “this is how we write one unit.
Then show 10 and tell him “this is how we write one ten.”

Similarly, do the same with rest of the cards.

In second period, place these cards randomly on the table and ask him to show you one hundred, one ten, or one unit etc.

In third period lesson, place a card and ask the child “what is this?”

Continue in the same way for the rest of the numerals.

To sum up, the exercises like complete layout of large number cards, group game identifying numerals and many more are helpful in teaching decimal system.


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